Every Wednesday in the holidays Wicked Wednesday storytelling at York Art Gallery
We'll be popping up every Wednesday during the holidays with some interactive storytelling. Each session will be based on a different theme.
Aimed at ages 2-8.
Every Friday (Term Time) Crafty Tales at York Theatre Royal
CRAFTY TALES is a weekly craft and storytelling session run by professional theatre makers; Cassie and Janet of Story Craft Theatre. Watch your little one’s confidence, language and social skills grow, week by week, as they discover a wider world through story.
Aimed at ages 2-5.
Wicked Wednesday storytelling at York Art Gallery Every Wednesday (school holidays) | 10.15am & 11.30am

Flower Power Party at York Theatre Royal Friday 21st Febraury | 10.15am & 12pm
Once Upon a Fairytale with Wonder Arts, St Helens Tuesday 18th February

Shine 21 day! - Craft activities and show at Friargate Theatre Saturday March 16th | 10am & 1pm
Once Upon a Fairytale at Newby Hall and Gardens Saturday 12th & Sunday 27th April

The Case of the Missing Bunny at York libraries Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th April
WizardFest! Saturday 24th May