Create your own little Engine that could.
Posted on 11th April 2021 at 09:33
If like us you have little ones who love trains, this is the craft for you. Inspiration for this craft comes from the wonderful book, The Little Engine That Could. It's amazing what you can do when you believe in yourself!
You will need:
A5 size piece of card or any colour
Scraps of diffrent coloured card or paper
Toilet roll
1. On the A5 piece of card, draw the basic shape of you Engine and cut it out.
2. Add in details on the train using your pen as well as cutting out different shapes from the other pieces of card/paper you have. You can add a roof, chimney, bumper . . .whatever you like.
3. Cut your toliet roll in half. Then make one cut in each half roughly 1.5 cm in length in the middle of the roll. You will need to squeeze the roll together in order to this. Make sure to ask for help if you need it.
4. You can now slot the train into the toilet roll wheels.
We've enjoyed trying out different colours and adding stickers to our trains. We also added a carriage carrying lots of coal. How long a train can you make?

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